Do you know about the data ?
Data is collection of distict unit of information. It used in variety of forms, of text, number, media and so on. Data is basicaly information that can be translated into a particular form for efficient movement and processing.
EG: Name, height, weight and etc.
Database is a systematic collectionn of data. Since data in database is ogranized, it makes data management easy. A database mostly controlled by Database Management System (DBMS).
Database Management System (DBMS)
Collection of programs which enables is user to acess databae, manipulate data & help in representation of data.
Type of DMBS :
- Navigational DBMS
- Relational DBMS
- Object oriented DBMS
- A way of requesting information from the database.
- Can be either a select query or an action query.
Select Query- Retrieving data
Action Query - request additional action to be performed on the data. Such as, deletion, insertion and updating.
Action Query - request additional action to be performed on the data. Such as, deletion, insertion and updating.
- Key in a relational database that unique for each record.
- Unique identifier, such as driver license number, telephone number or vehicle identification nmber (VIN)
- Must have one and only primary key
- is key used to link two tables together.
- Field in one table that refers to the primary key in another table.
- constrautnt is used to prevent action that would destroy links between table
- Prevent invalid data from being inserted into the foreign key column.
- Formatted result in database queiries and contain useful data for decision-making and analysis.
- Most bussines application contain a built-reporting tool.
- Composed of field and contains all data about one particular person, company item in database.
- contains the data for one customer suport incident report
Data that had been process into useful form.
- Document
- audio
- images
- video