5 Steps in Problem Solving

January 19, 2021

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone! Today we can learn 5 steps in prolem solving.
So, let's check out! 

First and foremost we should learn about problem solving. So what is problem solving?

What is Problem Solving??

  • Problem solving is the process of transforming the description of a problem into a solution.
  • by using our knowledge of the problem domain and 
  • by relying on our ability to select and use appropriate problem solving strategies, techniques and tools
So this is  5 steps in problem solving.
Step 1 : Problem Analysis (IPO analysis)
Step 2 : Design a solution (pseudocode and flowchart)
Step 3 : Implementation (coding)
Step 4 : Testing (Compile and run)
Step 5 : Documentation (Comment)

Step 1 : Problem Analysis (IPO analysis)
  • An analysis of problem statement to identify:
  1. Output ( To find calculate)
  2. Input (What data is needed to get output)
  3. Process (Explanation of how to process data to get output)
  • Process key word 
                To calculate
                To determine

Step 2 : Design a solution
  • Design a solution involves creating an algorithm
  • An algorith is a sequence of well-defined steps to solve a problem.
  • Alogorithm can be represented using pseudocode or flowchart.
Step 3 : Implementation (coding )

  • Implementation is the process of implementing an algorithm by writing a computer program using a programming language 
  • Eg : Using Java Langguage
Step 4 : Testing (Compile and run)
  • After you translate a designed algorithm into a Java program and compile it, you ready to run it.
  • In this phase, your main objective is to convince that the program will do what it is expected to do
  • In other words, you will want to verify that your program is correct.
  • Program verication : Process of ensuring that a program meet user-requirement (ie: test/verify it with different inputs)
  • One of the technique used for program verification is program testing
  • Program testing : Process of executing a program to demonstrate its correctness (ie: run the program)

Step 5 : Documentation 

  • Contains description of the program that helps other programmers in editing or maintaining the program larer.
  • Can be done in 2 ways :
  1. Writing comments between your lines of codes
  2. Creating a seperate text file to explain the program.

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5 Steps in Problem Solving

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone! Today we can learn 5 steps in prolem solving. So, let's check out!  First and foremost we should learn...

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